Practical Focus of Regular Focal Points' Meetings

The series of quarterly GAGE designated focal points’ meetings aims to achieve both short-term and long-term objectives. Short-term goals include understanding member countries' expectations, presenting WGEO's offerings, and identifying immediate support needs. Long-term goals focus on building a robust framework for ongoing collaboration, capacity building, and resource mobilization. Expected outcomes are to establish clear priorities, develop actionable project plans, and create a pipeline of bankable projects.

The series of focal points’ meetings will align with the GAGE strategic roadmap for 2024-2030, ensuring a cohesive approach to transitioning to a green economy. Themes will embrace such subject areas as conducting thorough need analyses, identifying service providers, as well as facilitating project matchmaking and partnerships. Additional focus areas will be on mobilizing resources and access to finance, enhancing capacity building and skills development, and supporting project facilitation and implementation. Each subsequent meeting will build on these themes, ensuring a cohesive and strategic approach to driving green economy initiatives across member countries.

By assessing the specific needs of member countries, GAGE will provide tailored support, connecting them with technical and financial service providers. Facilitating partnerships and securing funding for green initiatives are also crucial aspects, as is enhancing the skills needed for green economy projects. GAGE will support the development and effective implementation of these projects.

Objectives of the First Quarterly Focal Points’ Meeting

The First Quarterly Meeting of the GAGE focal points marks a significant milestone in the journey towards a sustainable and green growth. This first gathering is designed to lay the groundwork for ongoing, regular interactions between the designated focal points of each GAGE country.

The practical objectives of the First Focal Points’ Meeting are:

To agree on the Process to Ensure a Robust Framework for Continuous Collaboration

Establish a structured approach to set clear priorities and engage in strategic planning, including agreeing on the structure and frequency of future meetings to foster ongoing collaboration and effective information exchange.

To match the Needs of Member Countries with WGEO Offerings

Conduct a comprehensive assessment to understand the status of member countries against their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), clearly identify their expectations and immediate support needs, and align these with the extensive offerings of WGEO.

To initiate the Elaboration of Actionable Project Plans and a Pipeline of Bankable Projects

Initiate the development of actionable project plans that address immediate needs and create a long-term pipeline of bankable projects that can attract funding and support, ensuring sustainable development and impactful green transition.

During this First Quarterly Focal Points’ Meeting, participants will engage in strategic planning to agree on the structure and frequency of future meetings, as well as the mechanisms for effective information exchange. This proactive approach will facilitate the alignment of national green economy initiatives with GAGE’s overarching mission, fostering a cohesive and united effort towards sustainable development.

Additionally, the meeting will provide an opportunity to identify priority project ideas, enabling focal points to collaborate on innovative solutions and joint projects. By setting up a clear roadmap for future engagements, this first meeting will set the stage for a vibrant and productive GAGE network.

Elaboration of Bankable Projects

In this First Quarterly Focal Points’ Meeting, and in subsequent sessions, each country will be expected to present up to three priority project ideas. The WGEO will then assist in combining similar project priorities into clusters and will support their evolution. This support will include capacity building, technical advice, marketing, and resource mobilization, ensuring that these projects receive the necessary backing to succeed. The project clusters will revolve around four main GAGE programs:


Article 6 Capacity-Building:

This program aims to raise awareness and enhance countries' capacities to participate in carbon markets and non-market mechanisms, such as Article 6.2 (Cooperative Approaches), Article 6.4 (Sustainable Development Mechanism), and Article 6.8 (Non-Market Approaches). Under this program, the goal is to support 15 countries in engaging with Article 6 mechanisms, develop 10 clean energy projects, and provide partnerships and matchmaking platforms for enhanced collaboration. Beneficiaries include national teams and clean energy project developers.


Sectoral Climate Action for NDCs and LT-LEDS:

This program focuses on advancing climate action in key sectors identified in countries' Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), such as energy and transport. It aims to support 50 countries through sectoral capacity-building, develop 15 sectoral projects, and provide partnerships and matchmaking platforms to enhance funding and accelerate emission reductions. Beneficiaries include national teams and private sector companies.


Climate Finance Enablers

Aiming to unlock additional climate finance, this program supports countries in enhancing their enabling environments through effective tools and practices. It targets capacity-building and awareness-raising for 50 countries, develops 10 enabling environment projects, and provides partnerships and matchmaking platforms to enhance climate finance. Beneficiaries include national teams and financial institutions.


Just Energy Transition

This program supports countries in their clean energy transition through a holistic approach. It focuses on capacity-building for 50 countries on just transition elements, developing 10 enabling environment projects, and providing partnerships and matchmaking platforms to accelerate the transition. Beneficiaries include national economic and social affairs ministries and private sector.

The collaborative platform described here is designed to ensure GAGE members cooperate effectively, driving significant progress towards a sustainable and green economy. It will empower member countries to leverage collective expertise, enhance capacities, and accelerate constructive transition processes. Ultimately, the sustained interaction between focal points will not only fulfill the mission of GAGE but also contribute to a more resilient and sustainable world for future generations.

Meeting Agenda

Group 1: Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, Africa (part), and Europe
16th July 2024, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (GST)

Group 2: Africa (part), and Latin America & The Caribbean
16th July 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (GST)

Group 1 : 10:00 AM –10:05 AM
Group 2 : 6:00 PM –6:05 PM
Registration of Participants
Group 1 :10:05 AM – 10:10 AM
Group 2 : 6:05 PM –6:10 PM
Introductory Video
Group 1 :10:10 AM – 10:20 AM
Group 2 : 6:10 PM –6:20 PM
Opening Statement
Group 1 : 10:20 AM – 10:30 AM
Group 2 : 6:20 PM –6:30 PM
UAE Statement
Group 1 : 10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Group 2 : 6:30 PM –6:45 PM
GAGE and its achievements to date
Group 1 : 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
Group 2 : 6:45 PM –7:00 PM
GAGE Countries: Progress towards green transition, growth and development
Group 1 : 11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
Group 2 : 7:00 PM –7:10 PM
GAGE Future Plans 2024-2026
Group 1 : 11:10 AM – 11:15 AM
Group 2 : 7:10 PM –7:15 PM
COP29 for GAGE Members
Group 1 : 11:15 AM – 11:20 AM
Group 2 : 7:15 PM –7:20 PM
Overview of Priority Project Submissions
Group 1 : 11:20 AM – 11:55 AM
Group 2 : 7:20 PM –7:55 PM
Facilitated Open Discussion
Group 1 : 11:55 AM – 12:00 PM
Group 2 : 7:55 PM –8:00 PM
Closing Statement
Register and Submit Priority Project Ideas