Academia & Youth
Academia and youth represent a key constituency in support of the transition to a green economy. They can support knowledge creation around issues and challenges related to the green economy while building and amplifying the momentum towards the transition.
The WGEO Academia & Youth Platform aims to bring together forward-looking academic institutions keen on aligning with the ambitions of the envisioned green economy and motivated youth organizations to advance the cause of the green economy in a sustained, evidence-based manner.
Becoming a member of the WGEO Academia & Youth Platform ensures that educational institutions and youth organizations are offered an opportunity to collaborate with a global network of change-makers, thought leaders, senior executives and other non-state members to leverage synergies and inform decision-making. Through this platform, academia & youth related stakeholders will be supported to take the lead on and innovate solutions for the transition to green economies across the region while contributing to growing global expertise on the topic.
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