
The World Green Economy Summit (WGES) 2024 stands as a key platform for advancing green economy initiatives and fostering sustainable development worldwide. This summit provides a unique opportunity for stakeholders from around the globe to reflect on the outcomes of COP28 and explore pathways to implement more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by COP30.

WGES 2024 strategically aligns its agenda with the UAE Consensus and other key outcomes from COP28. Central to this alignment is the focus on transitioning energy systems away from fossil fuels in a just and equitable manner, a key theme in the UAE Consensus. The summit emphasizes renewable energy, decarbonization efforts, and practical steps to meet global climate goals.

Additionally, WGES leverages the decisions made at COP28, such as the Sharm el-Sheikh mitigation ambition, using them as a framework to guide discussions and initiatives. This ensures that the outcomes of WGES are in sync with international climate action efforts.

The summit also supports the newly established Troika (UAE, Azerbaijan, Brazil) by offering a platform for initiatives aligned with Mission 1.5, aimed at enhancing NDC implementation.

Event Approach: The Matrix and Post-WGES Actions

The summit spans two days and features a matrix approach to programming. This approach allows for multiple thematic sessions running concurrently, each focused on solution-oriented discussions. These sessions will help shape the final report and position WGES and the World Green Economy Organization (WGEO) as instrumental in implementing and measuring green economy initiatives.

Key topics addressed include:
  • Challenges and Opportunities
    for the Green Economy
  • Sectoral Analysis
  • Solutions and Systems

The program also includes capacity-building laboratories, with a focus on NDC-related training, ensuring that participants leave with actionable knowledge and skills.

Thematic Focus Areas

Sustainable Finance

Emphasizing the role of finance and investment in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Innovation and Technology

Highlighting the latest advancements in green technology and their role in sustainable development.

Green Energy

Showcasing renewable energy solutions and strategies for a clean energy transition.

Climate Action

Addressing the urgent need for climate action and the roles of governments, businesses, and individuals in reducing emissions.

Supporting the Troika

WGES 2024 collaborates with the UAE-led Troika to host events under its program of work. This partnership focuses on capacity-building activities designed to support the implementation of more ambitious NDCs, with particular emphasis on the strategic goals outlined in Mission 1.5.

NDC Labs and Capacity Building

WGES 2024 will feature specialized labs aimed at enhancing NDC ambition. These labs will:

  • Showcase Success Stories

    Present successful case studies from countries that have already implemented ambitious NDCs.

  • Facilitate Knowledge Sharing

    Offer a platform for countries to exchange experiences and learn from each other’s challenges and successes.

  • Organize Capacity Building Workshops

    Provide training on technical aspects, financial mechanisms, and stakeholder engagement.

  • Encourage Partnerships

    Foster collaborations between governments, businesses, and civil society to support NDC implementation.

  • Host Policy Dialogues

    Engage key stakeholders in discussions to overcome barriers and enhance climate ambitions.

  • Facilitate Financial Support Discussions

    Focus on climate finance and its critical role in supporting developing countries.

  • Provide Technical Assistance

    Support countries in setting and achieving ambitious climate targets.

These strategies will help participants develop more ambitious NDCs, advancing global climate action in line with the Paris Agreement.

Post-Summit Actions and Accountability

To ensure that the commitments made during WGES 2024 translate into real actions, the World Green Economy Organization (WGEO) will:

Establish a Monitoring Mechanism

Track and evaluate progress on commitments.

Ensure Regular Reporting

Implement a system for participants to report on their progress.

Engage with Stakeholders

Continue to involve stakeholders in follow-up activities to sustain momentum.

Recognize Achievements

Offer recognition and incentives to encourage ongoing commitment.

Facilitate Peer Review and Collaboration

Promote mutual learning and joint initiatives among participants.

Collect Feedback and Conduct Evaluations

Use feedback to assess the impact of the summit.

Organize Follow-Up Events

Keep the conversation and momentum going with additional events and initiatives.

These measures will help ensure that WGES 2024 drives tangible progress toward a more sustainable and green global economy.