World Green Economy Summit
The World Green Economy Summit is one of the leading global forums on the green economy and is co-organized by WGEO. It brings together world-class experts in critical sectors from around the world to directly focus on advancing the global green economy and sustainability agendas, achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and implementing the Paris Agreement. The WGES is the premier international platform to drive dialogue and action amongst industry stakeholders and build partnerships and collaboration by connecting creative minds across different sectors.
The summit showcases innovative solutions and leading practices to inspire change and aims to align stakeholders with policymakers to create a facilitative environment and ecosystem for sustainable green growth that addresses current and future needs.
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Decarbonising Energy Networks
Mobilising Investment for Green Growth
Food Security
Building Resilience & Sustainability into Value Chains
Empowering the Next Generation to Drive Positive Change
Organizing Partners

Climate Action
To Identify and showcase innovative and feasible solutions for high impact policies and actions achieving emissions reductions in line with 1.5 degree centigrade and accelerating of the scaling up of removals.
Global Alliance on Green Economy
Advance on “Global Alliance on Green Economy”, to promote exchange of experience and best practices, key political messages and recommendations, new opportunities and lessons learned, in the areas of green economy.
Youth Engagement
Global COY (GCOY) is the biggest and most substantial youth conference related to the multilateral UN climate processes. It is the official gathering of YOUNGO members, and all interested youth and it happens a couple of days before the annual Conference of the Parties (COP) at the same location.