Youth Take the Lead in the AGYLE Webinar Series
18th August 2020

A series of webinars bringing together youth representatives and experts from around the region to discuss the role of youth in the green recovery, organized by the UNFCCC-WGEO RCC Dubai
The growing interest and energy of young people to create and support initiatives that will help the world build back better takes center stage in a webinar series organized by the UNFCCC-WGEO Regional Collaboration Centre for Middle East, North Africa and South Asia – RCC Dubai.
This series of webinars is part of the Academy for Global Youth Leadership Empowerment (AGYLE) initiative, which focuses on strengthening young people’s roles and skills to enable them to effectively lead and participate in global climate action and is part of RCC Dubai’s work.
The AGYLE project, in collaboration with both the Youth Platform of WGEO and the ACE team of the UNFCCC secretariat is working towards raising awareness about climate change challenges in the region among youth who represent an important stakeholder to facilitate climate action.
The first webinar entitled, ‘The opportunity for a green recovery in the post COVID-19 scenario in the context of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement: The Role of Youth’ served as a platform for youth participants to learn about opportunities available for them to engage with and participate in efforts towards a green recovery within the framework of the Paris Agreement and SDGs.
Mr. Ovais Sarmad, Deputy Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC secretariat, provided opening remarks for the webinar.
Dr. Eesa Bastaki, Chairman of the World Green Economy Organization Academia and Youth Platform shared remarks at the webinar and emphasized the role of youth in facilitating the transition to the green economy.
High-level representatives including the Undersecretary General from the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and the head of the UN SDG Campaign provided scene setting remarks at the start of the webinar. H.R.H Princess Abze Djigma of Burkina Faso moderated the webinar.