Virtual Workshop for DNAs on Standardized Baselines (SBs) and their Applications
6th August 2020

A series of Virtual Workshops for Designated National Authorities (DNAs) of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) organized by UNFCCC-WGEO RCC Dubai and UNFCCC-IGES RCC Bangkok
In response to requests for training received from DNAs of the CDM, UNFCCC-WGEO Regional Collaboration Centre for Middle East, North Africa and South Asia –RCC Dubai and UNFCCC-IGES RCC Bangkok are organizing a series of Virtual Workshops on topics of interest for DNAs in the region.
The second session of the DNA Virtual Workshop was successfully held on the 6th of August 2020 and focused on Standardized Baselines (SBs) and their Applications.
DNA representatives from over 13 countries, from the Pacific and Southeast Asia to South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa, joined the second session.
Mr. Abdul Rahim Sultan, the Director General of WGEO, shared welcoming remarks at the workshop.