RCC Virtual Global Forum 2020 – Catalysing regional climate action
15th October 2020

UN Climate Change RCCs and regional partners and stakeholders continue to support climate action at the annual Global Forum hosted by UNFCCC-WGEO RCC Dubai
UN Climate Change Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) leadership, steering committees of the secretariat and institutions that host the RCCs, and other regional partners met recently at the RCC Global Forum 2020 to exchange views, share progress on ongoing activities and identify emerging priorities and issues related to climate action for continued regional support.
Given the impacts of the global pandemic, the RCC Global Forum 2020 was held virtually and was hosted by the UNFCCC-WGEO Regional Collaboration Centre for Middle East, North Africa and South Asia (RCC Dubai).
Eng. Waleed bin Salman, Vice Chairman of the World Green Economy Organization, as the host partner of the UNFCCC-WGEO RCC Dubai, shared important developments since the inception of the RCC Dubai in 2019.
Mr. Abdul Rahim Sultan, the Director General of WGEO, shared perspectives on the establishment of RCC Dubai and emphasized the value-addition the Centre is bringing to the region.
In an acknowledgement of the important work the RCCs are doing to facilitate climate action regionally, the Forum was very well attended with the participation of 75 individuals from a very diverse community of stakeholders, representing 30 entities that included the RCC host partners, UN agencies, international institutions, regional bodies and government representatives.