Partnership with UNOSSC
19 February 2018

The overarching objective of the partnership is to Contribute to promoting Green Economy through support in the partnership mobilization and global outreach efforts of the World Green Economy Organization through South-South and Triangular Cooperation in complementarity to traditional North-South Cooperation.
In line with its mandate and strategic outlook, as well as given its capacity, the UN Office for South-South Cooperation, in its capacity as the General Assembly-mandated global and United Nations-wide facilitator of South-South and triangular cooperation, and in close cooperation and coordination with the UNDP and other UN agencies, funds and programmes, is well placed to support the partnership mobilization and global outreach support for the World Green Economy Organization taking into account that the major part of the WGEO stakeholders and beneficiaries come from the Global South.
The South-South Cooperation as the driver for development, including its dimensions directly or indirectly related to Green Economy, is the process that started a long time ago and will continue its evolution over the time. The role of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation in this partnership, will be to showcase the effectiveness of the South-South and Triangular Cooperation model in further catalyzing the adoption by the countries and other stakeholders of the Green Economy approaches, as well as enhancing its intensity and dynamics.
While the major focus of activities will be on facilitating cooperation along the seven partnership platforms established by the WGEO, including Public sector, Private Sector, Financial Sector, Cities, Academia and Youth, Civil Societies, and International Organizations, it is also essential that additional support can be provided on a demand-driven basis. The partnership will therefore remain flexible in responding to the changing priorities of the WGEO with respect to advancing the Green Economy development agenda while maintaining the overall initial focus on building strong partnerships and broadening the organization’s outreach.