Arab countries exchange information and experiences on climate finance
12-13 February 2020 | Cairo, Egypt

The workshop was organized under the auspices of the Needs-based Climate Finance Project (NBF Project) of UN Climate Change, with support from the UNFCCC-WGEO Regional Collaboration Centre for Middle East, North Africa and South Asia – RCC Dubai, in collaboration with the League of Arab States (LAS) secretariat and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA).
As a follow-up to the inception workshop (in November 2019) that kicked off the development of the Arab States Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy, a technical workshop was organized in Cairo, Egypt on 12-13 February 2020.
This workshop served as an opportunity for experts from the Ministries of Finance from Arab countries to enhance their understanding of climate change issues and the context to which the region is engaged in climate finance. In particular, the workshop: 1) provided an overview of the state of climate change and climate finance in the Arab region, 2) provided a platform for the exchange of information on climate finance flows and needs at the regional and international level, and 3) identified opportunities in assessing and addressing the needs of Arab States.
Read more about the workshop here:
More information on the Needs-based Climate Finance Project here:
More information about the Arab States Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy here