Futures of Green Economy 2071
This capacity building program focuses on foresight and futures thinking to key issues in planning for the green economy agenda in a Post COVID19 uncertain challenging circumstances that we live in today.
Participants from the public domain and international organizations will come together to develop plausible scenarios and aspirations for futures of green economy 2071 mental image of the preferred future with the aim to eliminate biases and impartiality reaching the 2071 aspirations.
Participants in this workshop will explore the concept of weak signals that shapes the futures and learn how to anticipate surprises and disruptions through creating a mental image of the futures and scenario buildings.

Workshop Modules
Introduction to Futures Thinking
The Art of Powerful Questions
The Futures Implication Wheels
Futures Horizon Scanning & Futures Radar
Principles of Scenario Development
Back casting and Strategic Alignment
Key Activities
Develop and publish reports and studies on the futures of green economy
Conduct webinars for key stakeholder to promote the awareness of the futures of green and economy in the region
Develop and publish the Futures Radars that might impact the future of sustainability in the region
Develop a professional diploma on the futures of green economy targeted to key stakeholders in the region
Project Stages
Futures Radar
To build content for the Scenarios Workshop
Scenarios Workshop
Invite experts from WGEO to participate the workshop
Build the iteration of the reports and prepare for the webinar
To boost awareness about the future of green economy
Produce and publish the reports, future of green economy
