A program aimed at achieving carbon neutrality for cities, seeking to align with the countries' climate neutrality (Net Zero) objectives, by accessing climate finance through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
One of the main objectives of this program is to develop a "Scientific Platform Pioneering Carbon Neutral Frameworks for Cities". This platform will serve as a crucial tool in guiding cities towards carbon neutrality, enabling evidence-based decision-making and strategic planning to:
Develop a scientific approach for cities to pioneer carbon-neutral frameworks
Address the growing trend of urban emissions and the associated challenges
Mobilize investments for sustainable urban development initiatives
The initiative is conceived to support the cities on 6 prone approaches; Quantify, Monitor, Record, Target Setting, followed by Informed Decisions and finally to Facilitate Investments in climate mitigation and resilient activities. The key feature of this platform is to provide cities with scientifically sound frameworks for transitioning towards carbon neutrality. These frameworks are developed based on data-driven solutions and will offer evidence-based solutions tailored to each city's unique profiles.
As part of this process, city-level emissions inventories are mapped based on scope 1, 2, and 3 categories, with further mapping of strategic actions aimed towards mitigation actions.
Measurement, reporting, and verification of comprehensive carbon emissions.
Achieving carbon neutrality goals in cities
Developing carbon-neutral plans in line with the Paris Agreement to access climate finance
Measuring greenhouse gas emissions arising from Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3
Documenting and presenting regular reports on the city's environmental performance.
Ensuring the actual situation is verified to develop appropriate mitigation plans and measures.
Developing plans to achieve carbon neutrality and identifying suitable actions and technologies.
Accessing financial resources through climate finance through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
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