
Cities are home to over 50% of the global population and are responsible for generating about 80% of global GDP. They are drivers of change and innovation and can make a critical contribution to the facilitation of the transition towards a green economy.

The WGEO Cities Platform aims to bring together like-minded local governments, city authorities and other entities operating within city jurisdictions to facilitate the advancement and establishment of optimally designed cities that are built around the fundamental tenet of enhancing resource efficiency while ensuring economic and social opportunity.

Becoming a member of the WGEO Cities Platform will support cities in advancing green economy related policies and practices by exchanging experiences with sector peers, tapping international financing frameworks, engineering innovative finance mechanisms to provide greener and more efficient services and operations, creating local employment opportunities, and working closely with key stakeholders to transform urban environments towards sustainability in the transition towards a green economy.


Chair Organization

Our Vision

To accelerate the global transition towards green sustainable cities

Our Mission

Promote smart and green principles in cities planning and living standards through open dialogue amongst cities with knowledge, technology and finance providers


Smart Sustainable Cities

Urban Climate Resilience

Urban Economic Development

Urban Infrastructure & Strategic Planning

15 Minute City Model Smart Green

Smart Green Mobility

Sustainable waste management infrastructure & services



To shape Cities Platform strategic direction and governance in becoming founding member

What We Propose

Supporting cities to prepare robust climate inventories, targets and plans

Exploring possible linkages with other initiatives and organizations, resulting in partnerships and collaboration, which is key to delivery

Bringing cities together in meaningful exchanges to speed up the global adoption of climate policies and programs that have been demonstrated to work in one or more member cities.

Explore our membership tiers


WGES 2021

2nd October – 3rd October 2021

MENA Climate Week

2nd March – 3rd March 2022

Monthly Webinars and Dialogues